Saturday, 24 December 2011

Nail of the Day + Hair Updates

Nail Of The Day.
Straight out, I absolutely love this colour. It is so gorgeous! My boyfriend and I had our own little christmas the other day and this was one of my presents from him. What's great is that I wouldn't have chosen this colour myself but once it was on my nails I was so pleased, I seriously couldn't (and still can't) stop staring at it.
It's Rimmel's Green With Envy (819), which is an odd name since it really isn't that green, I'd personally give it a more 'Mermaid's Tear' sort of name, because it's actually a really lovely teal colour. It's also part of their "60 Seconds" range which meant even though I needed 3 coats it took no time at all.
All in all, I am unexpectedly in love with this colour.
Purple Hair, Continued.
This part is in answer to interest some people expressed in how well my hair dye fades. I know a lot of people worry about this sort of thing; when it comes to dying hair un-natural colours and how quickly it fades and needs renewing.
For a proper reminder look here, which has photos of my hair the day after I dyed it purple (Directions - Plum).
It's been a month since I dyed it and in that time I washed it about 6 times (with lots of dry shampoo), which I know to people who don't dye their hair is just horrendous but to those of you who do dye you know it's pretty much the norm. As you can see the colour has only just started fading, which is amazing. The first photo of the post is also a month's worth of fade.
You might have noticed my roots are a little odd looking (sort of fushia), this has nothing to do with the dye and every thing to do with my roots not being as bleached as the rest of my hair.
If you have any more questions on hair dying feel free to ask, I'm thinking about doing some form of hair dye review/FAQ post possibly in the future and maybe show some of my previous colours (pink, red, turquoise...) Tell me what you think!

Here's just a quick comparison between when it was first dyed to a month later.
You can follow me on Bloglovin'.
As always all photos taken by my boyfriend, find his tumblr here.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Things Made For Loved Ones.

Every year I always try and make Christmas cards for family and friends, here is just a selection of some of them;

I'm not completely happy with all of them but at least I got them all done in time!
Do you make cards or presents for loved ones? I used to make presents but they'd never get finished on time (or ever).

Friday, 16 December 2011

New Additions ~ A Bundle of Kittens ♥

I know. That title makes no sense.
Last week we bought home 2 new kittens (making the sum of felines in my house a grand total of 4). My one is called Mr. Bunny and the other is called Perl; my dad named her after his favourite language to write computer programs with...what a dork. It beats the other possibles: C (or C++) or Java. Those names are just horrendous. Now do you understand my still slightly nonsensical title?
This one is Perl and in real life she likes so like a gremlin it is untrue. She's very very tiny for her ages because she's the runt of her litter (in this photos just 8 weeks), compared to her brother she looks about 5 weeks. She has huge eyes and a teeny weeny rat like tail. She can be a little grumpy when you try and pick her up but once she's one a warm body she will sleep for hours (provided big brother Bunny is there too.)
And this one is Mr. Bunny. He looks a lot like one of our older cats when he was a kitten. He never stops purring and he's all mine! Look how adorable and perfect he is!
And here they are together. Bundle of kittens!

So, this post was basically just to gloat about how unbelievably cute my new kittens are and to say sorry for not posting for what seems like an ages, but life is being a bit crap (exams, laptop breaking, car accident etc) so I haven't been able to keep up. Do not fear, I am still around and I have many things lined up!
I hope you're all enjoying the holiday season!

Saturday, 3 December 2011

London in Christmas Spirits ~ a haul post!

Last Wednesday I took a break from revision and took a trip up to London with the boyfriend (who will  onwardly be referred to as he). It turned out to be a very long but very wonderful 8 hours of travelling around various parts of Christmasy London so I'm glad I opted for comfort instead style that day. Everywhere was so beautiful and full of lights, especially the Southbank Christmas market which was just amazing. The photos are a bit all over the place today but it was hard to keep continuity.

Summary of What I Bought
Kurt Geiger, Primark, various stalls at the Southbank Christmas market. (doesn't the blouse look so creepy just lying there?)

Oxford & Regent Street - Things Purchased
Our first stop was Oxford/Regent street. Oh goodness, as always, the ultimate high street. I had made a list the night before so as to limit how many shops I visited (and therefore limit how much waiting he had to do, bless him). Also, on a side note I can't believe how many of some shops there were, I spotted at least four Accessorizes and H&Ms! Four! It seems just a little excessive.

My first purchase was from Kurt Geiger which is definitely not somewhere I'd normally go into, ever, but as an Elle subscriber I got a £25 gift card so I went to spend that baby up (with minimal spending on my behalf). It took a bit of browsing their sale section (because most of their full price stuff is way beyond my budget) until we spotted the faux fur (you can just about see it in the above summary photo in the bottom left hand corner) originally £60 down to £30 and it was a done deal, even though he would have preferred the red one I thought navy was a bit more versatile. It is so soft and luxurious and I love it.

(this is technically from Southbank but it's pretty so it doesn't matter)
My other purchases came from Primark. And HOLY MOTHER. It is untrue how busy it was in there. Like, genuinely scary. I think my local one is better e.g., more clothes, less people, win win. I don't think I'll be going back in there in a hurry, there should be a warning outside: Primark, Oxford Street - only for the most hardcore of bargain hunter. I am afraid to say I am not that hardcore.
First are my amazing glittery deer! I've been looking for a perfect pair, I found some in Next, Paperchase and BHS but these ones are far superior in size and price (£4 each)!

Then I got this lovely cream blouse for a tenner. Again, I'd been looking for the perfect floaty blouse but most of the dip-hem ones are too extreme, this one was just right and I loooove the tie, massive fan of pussy-bows is me. I also got a snood (which you can see in that top summary photo) which is so soft and thick, I was torn between that burgundy or a mustard one, but burgundy won.

Some Thoughts on Other Shops Visited:
New Look - same old, but still awesome, they have so many coats going so cheap at the moment, I almost felt an obligation to buy one.
Muji - never heard of it before but it's SUCH a cute shop! Simple, affordable, quirky, I just love it. I saw a really darling little snowflake stamp set but I didn't buy it...feel like maybe I should have.
Forever 21 - it was the first time I stepped into a Forever 21 store and I really liked the general feel, it was quite chill actually, considering it's on Oxford Street. There wasn't anything I particularly loved but I feel like their next seasons will probably pull me in.
Pull&Bear - never heard of these guys as well but really liked their stuff, it was like an edgy H&M. Also, nice prices.
Hamleys - we always visit Hamleys when we're in the area, it brings out the kids in us. My favourite level is the ground floor with all the adorable stuffed toys (and secretly I sort of love the girl's level too).

Southbank ~ the Christmas Market
Once we were done there it had gotten dark. I wish we'd taken more photos of the some of the shops, Selfridges, Debanhams and Boots all looked amazing and lit up, but we were in need of a break so we hopped on the tube to Embankment, crossed the bridge and went up to the terrace to chill, have a drink and stare in awe/anticipation at the Christmas market (that last bit might have been just me).
The market was just so perfect, like a series of little workshops from the North Pole selling all manner of lovely things. We wandered up and down and I found a lot of presents for people.

First this little leather notebook for a friend (it's lying on a fur scarf I got from Primark but returned, I wasn't crazy about it so it wasn't worth keeping). I love how authentic and real it feels.

Then this locket which is actually a clock when you open it. It came from a hut that was all £10 and £15 fob watches and watch necklaces, there were so many different kinds but this one is my favourite. Perfect gift for another friend, I think she's going to love it (I know I do).

Aren't these guys so cute!? The top I'm keeping for myself because it is just too cute and it makes me think of Christmas pudding with holly or misltoe on top. The others are perfect little presents and isn't the bag they came in so sweet?

Once we were done we grabbed a delicious Angus beef burger from one of the stalls and then some marshmallows dipped in chocolate from a  fountain but we wolfed it down too quickly to even think about taking a photo of it. All in all a wonderful day, even if I did wake up the next day with genuine muscle ache.

What are your favourite shops to visit in London?
As always all photos are taken by this guy.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Oh, My Deer. ~ Etsy Special

I know, hilarious and over used pun, I am so at the cutting edge of digital media.
So, last month was a feature on all things owl, and this month another animal feature; deer! They have been slowly making themselves known to me and I'm starting to love them like I love owls. To be honest most of these items are things I desperately want, I won't lie. And I think you'll feel the same way when see them.

Etsy shop: Kokofox Studio
Figurine, £16.62
There are a lot of kitsch deer figurines around on Etsy but these are by far the cutest, plus the most versatile. I know if I had one I'd be painting it right up.

Etsy shop: Sarahkdesigns
Christmas cards, £7.94
When I first saw these I didn't even realise there were deer on them, but take a closer look and sure enough, there they are. These cards are so imaginative and a nice alternative to your usual christmas card.

Etsy shop: Bugga
Reindeer necklace, £10.59
Christmas themed, simple and quirky. What more could you want? I am loving that little bell as well!

Etsy shop: Tiny Owl's Magic Attic
Hat knitting pattern, £3.64
I wish I could crochet/knit! If that were the case then I would proudly be sporting one of these absolutely endearing (see that! Another pun!) hats. Maybe I should get this for my gran and hint heavily as to who she might make one for, hm...

 Etsy shop: Sugarsnap,
Tote, £13.20
I just love this print so much. Deers + damask, what more could you want?

 Etsy shop: The Door Stop
Antler wall hook, £18.61
Along with a deer obsession comes an antler obsession. This guy is just perfect for a log cabin. Practical and awesome, they come in a few different colours as well.

Etsy shop: jDUCT
Stag wallet, £14.56
Here's something for that hipster man in your life. It's just so funny! Everything looks cooler with a pair of fake glasses on, right? (to be honest, I myself have two pairs...guilty!)

Etsy shop: Maria Handmade
Small antler hairband, £13.32
Need. Just need. SO bad.

 Etsy shop: Cranberry Lover
Little deer purse, £3.31
It's so simple but so sweet, somehow I'm drawn to it. Perfect for carrying a lipstick and a mirror around without loosing them in the depths of your bag.

So, which one's your favourite? Found anything deer related recently? Let me know, leave a comment, I want to see! I need to get my Christmas shop on! I've got about a million people who needs presents and I have bought about 3 so far. Ah!
(update: expect a Christmas haul at some point soon! I went crazy in London!)
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