So hopefully by now you've noticed the lovely new layout! Yes, I am obsessed with everything cosmic. I can't afford galaxy leggings so I got myself a galaxy layout instead (thanks mainly to the lovely boyfriend). It took a long time coming and a lot of mind changing but here it is! I hope you like it, I know I do.
If you don't follow me on Twitter then you won't know that I put it up in celebration of 100 followers of GFC (and 10 on Bloglovin') as well as over 10,000 individual views. I am so happy that that many people even care slightly about this little blog, it's such a great motivation that keeps me going.
As an extra little bonus Jennie from Fancy Dresscapades and Sophie from Bacon Tastes Nice nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award, which is basically just a tag thing, but it was nice of them to think of me anyway!
Alright, facts!
- I'm half french, half english with a bit of spanish mixed in as well and I also speak fluent french.
- I am currently studying Neuroscience w. Cognitive Science at university - and I love it!
- I am also currently rehearsing a steampunk version of Shakespeare's As You Like It in which I'm playing Rosalind.
- Like so many people I'd really love to travel, so far Japan and Italy are high on the list (preferably in a VW camper van!).
- I really love to dye my hair, I've been purple, pink, turquoise and a host of other combinations. The minute I go one colour I'm pretty much instantly thinking about the next (currently thinking about orange, or maybe a cruella...or maybe many options!).
- I am one of the most indecisive people ever and due to this whenever I've deciding on a face or outfit of the day I'm always asking the boyfriend his opinion (and he never complains, bless him).
- I love animals and I go through phases of really liking different animals, previously there's been owls, deer and at the moment it's rabbits and jellyfish.
Ciao for now!